Thursday 5 April 2012

My first post.

This my first post on this, my new blog. This is to be my place of sanity. A place where I can write the things that are really bothering me, but can't write on my everyday blog. This is a place where nobody I know in real life will ever find me. I hope. I hope this will not be a place of misery or negativity, but if it is then please understand. I am not losing my mind. I am saving it by writing these words that otherwise swell up inside me like bitter poison.

I have been shopping with my son today. He is 12 and over the last several weeks he has suffered from anxiety ... depression. It came on shortly after we came back from holiday in February. He was violently sick before we left, well during the week and then started to be nervous, worry. He stopped eating. He began to talk of killing himself - wanting the feeling of sadness to end.

There is nothing so awful as holding your previously healthy son in your arms as he keens in misery - wailing and sobbing, his whole body wracked with despair, begging to be put out of his agony.

We took him for blood tests - normal. We tried to go privately to get help - our insurance wouldn't cover it. Our GP was lovely and referred him urgently to CAMHS   . We have an appointment with them in May. May.

We link his unhappiness to a mixture of hormones, new school and worrying about my husband and I. Especially my husband who hates his job and around whom we tend to walk on eggshells. He is our rock, but when he is unhappy or sad it affects the whole family.

My son has good days and bad days, but we never know what each morning will bring. Yesterday, after a couple of good days, he slipped back into his misery - howling, sobbing, wanting to be dead. I feel as though this is too much for my husband. I am coping alone. At work the other day I just broke down.

Today he is up and down. Our shopping trip was a nightmare as he goes from being suicidal to bouncing off the walls, singing and shouting. I am exhausted by his behaviour and frustrated by my husband's lack of understanding. Don't get me wrong - he is trying, but it is just too much for him to understand. But I feel myself getting so angry. I want to scream at my son to 'SHUT UP!!!!' but of course I don't.

I cannot believe that a boy of 12 has to wait so long to get help. By the time we have the first appointment with CAMHS it will be 3 months. 3 months coping with this sort of behaviour is horrendous. The one good thing is his school and their support. Without them I don't know where we would be.

Well ... that feels a bit better. At last I have written things down in a way other than factual diaries to take to the psychiatrist


  1. I really feel for you on this one. No wonder you need a better place to speak about what's on your mind.

    I'm setting up a new blog today for exactly the same reasons; I'd like to talk to people who don't actually know me and, like you, over time my blog has become known to people and I wish it hadn't! I think it'll take a while to build up a supportive following, but that's the price you pay for a new blog!

    It sounds like your son is bi-polar or has bi-polar symptoms - or hormonal of some kind. It must be terribly frustrating and upsetting to hear him talk like this and I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you. Yours husband seems to be dealing with it by ignoring the situation (like most men I think)so you must also feel like you're facing it on your own.

    A blog like this is going to be a great place to vent your frustrations. I find just 'getting it out there' really helps me and nobody here judges you either. It's also comforting to see that other people have the same worries, troubles and problems as I do sometimes - it helps to get perspective and to see how other people have (or haven't) dealt with the situation.

  2. I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to write things down without fear of people I know finding out.I will miss having some of the voices I have built up over the years at my other blog, but you never know - they might find me and not even realise its me on here! If that makes sense. Part of the joy of this place is that I can write without censure and whatever I say will stay anonymous.I will still keep on my original blog, but this will be my refuge.Its not about writing to please or writing to gain followers, its about writing to stay sane!! I am so glad you have come with me. S
